What is Functional Fitness?

People always ask me about my workouts? My martial arts training aside, the question is almost always…” What is Crossfit?”  and “What is MovNat?” Many want to know if crossfit is  a 24 hour gym or big franchise. MovNat seems to completely confuse people when it’s truly so simple. I often try to explain, they nod but don’t  fully understand. This is about functional fitness. The ability to lift heavy things, to chase or run away if necessary. It’s about being able to climb or pull yourself up over a ledge or up into a boat. It’s about speed, agility and jumping. It’s about being fighting fit. Hell, it’s about being able to get off of the sofa with out using your hands. Here are some videos to explain what functional fitness is – Get out there and get in real shape. Be ready to take on the world and what it throws at you!